Calling of Information for the determination of annual imprest limit to each Ministry/Department for the payments under the budgetary provisions provided in the Vote on Account-2025 (Tamil)
Guidelines 04/2020
Calling of Information for the determination of annual imprest limit to each Ministry/Department for the payments under the budgetary provisions provided in the Vote on Account-2025
Formats-Calling of Information for the determination of annual imprest limit to each Ministry/Department for the payments under the budgetary provisions provided in the Vote on Account-2025 (Tamil)
Formats- Calling of Information for the determination of annual imprest limit to each Ministry/Department for the payments under the budgetary provisions provided in the Vote on Account-2025
Letter- TO/GR/Miscellaneous(iii)
Imprest Request for Domestic and Foreign Grants | Sinhala
Letter- TO/GR/Miscellaneous(iii)
Imprest Request for Domestic and Foreign Grants | Tamil
Letter- TO/GR/Miscellaneous(iii)
Imprest Request for Domestic and Foreign Grants | English